You think you can’t play chess?!
You think you can’t get in it?!
We’ll show you how the pieces move
In just one minute!
Now I'm a ROOK.
I move on RANKS and FILES.
Now I'm a BISHOP.
I rock the DIAGONILES.
Now I'm a QUEEN.
Best piece on the scene…
I rock ALL three styles:
Now I'm a KING.
(Did you kiss my ring?)
I also move on all three lines.
But I only go... one square at a time.
Now I'm a KNIGHT.
My jump's out of sight.
I hop two squares forward
Then one left or right.
Now I'm a PAWN.
I move straight forward a square at a time.
But I capture my enemy
On a diagonal line.
Rook, Bishop, Queen
King, Knight, Pawn
Now you know
What’s going on!